
Team members sometimes struggle to see eye to eye, or understand each other’s basic needs and desires. This can create conflict, often that we can’t see beyond.

Areas for growth

  • Get clear on what you want, need and can ask for
  • Understand the impact your actions have on another
  • Be able to listen fully without getting defensive
  • Speak succinctly and clearly so that the other person can hear you
  • Know the other person’s wants, needs and working style

I can

Provide clarity around shared goals, interests and points of view

Sit with you and your partners to hash out processes and procedures

Be an impartial observer during key meetings and conversations

Help reach a mutually agreed upon outcome

Offer different perspectives and tools 

Meet one-on-one and together as a team as an objective cheerleader

So that you

Feel at peace within the relationship and within yourself

Have stronger skills to communicate effectively and manage the situation

Know what you need and how to get that